The pH of an environment can affect the growth and survival of the microbes in that environment. pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration or activity, in a solution, expressed as: -log_ 10 H+
onumber Every organism has an optimal pH range at which it will grow. If the pH is too high or too low it can affect things like the solubility of molecules, denaturation of proteins/enzymes, membrane transport, proton-motive force/membrane potential, etc.
Organelles are sub-cellular compartments in cells. However prokaryotes don't use organelles to organise their intracellular space. Evolutionarily, there is evidence that mitochondria and chloropl…
Does any of you know the specific name of the protein rafts that allow proteins to float over a double layer of phospholipids, (cell membrane)? I just feel there should be another name rather than…
Gvanidijumove soli poput (G-izotiocijanata) ometaju hidrofobne interakcije unutar proteina ili nukleinske kiseline i denaturišu ih. Šta se dešava kada se prekinu hidrofobne interakcije u DNK? (Ја не…
Često vidim u udžbenicima neuronauke o tome kako mozak kontroliše sve u telu različitim putevima itd, i čini se da se informacije uvek prenose, kao da nema f...